• Question: Do you believe in parallel universes?

    Asked by to Nat, Nate, Roberto, Sam, Sarah on 20 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Nate Bastian

      Nate Bastian answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I don’t think anyone knows for sure yet. There are some theories of physics that predict that there are an infinite number of universes, but they haven’t been tested yet (and probably won’t be for a long time, unfortunately, as they are very difficult to test). So it’s possible.

    • Photo: Natasha Stephen

      Natasha Stephen answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      At the moment we don’t have any evidence for parallel universes existing but that of course doesn’t mean that they don’t exist! I think they probably do, it’s quite an exciting idea that there might be another universe similar to our own but just not quite the same, isn’t it?

    • Photo: Sarah Casewell

      Sarah Casewell answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      No-one really knows if they exist! We need to find a way of testing if there are other universes outside our own, before we can really know if they exist.

    • Photo: Roberto Trotta

      Roberto Trotta answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      Yes, I think parallel universes are definitely possible. Whether they exist or not is unclear, and it might take a while to find out. In the meantime, there are lots of exciting theories about them and one day we might be able to prove them. So stay tuned!
