• Question: do you think its a bad thing technology improving? Will it make people less independent?

    Asked by to Nat, Nate, Roberto, Sam, Sarah on 20 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Sarah Casewell

      Sarah Casewell answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Technology has improved massively in my lifetime!
      When I was born people didn’t have personal computers or mobile phones. Now we have phones that are like little computers.

      I think the technology does make people a bit less independent – I plan much less when I know I can just look something up on my phone, or check the email instead of printing off maps etc.

      One thing that has happened though is that while technology has got more advanced, people have got less knowledgeable about it. When I was a child you could fix most things on your car, or in your stereo or even computer ( I remember installing a CD drive), now everything is sealed and you can’t see how anything works let along fix things. I think that is a shame.

    • Photo: Nate Bastian

      Nate Bastian answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Good question. Overall, I think that technology advances are a good thing, but there are negatives associated with them. The industrial revolution made our modern world, but at the same time, caused our environmental problems that we have. So, it’s not entirely good, but hopefully we can overcome the negative sides.

    • Photo: Natasha Stephen

      Natasha Stephen answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Really good question.

      Whilst technology is making people a little bit more lazy in general, I think it’s important for technology to continue developing as we need new technologies if we want to continue growing in terms of our understanding of the world around us. It’s important that whilst technology continues to get more advanced that we still have an understanding of who we are and where we came from so that we don’t lose the humanity that drove us to start developing technology in the first place.

    • Photo: Roberto Trotta

      Roberto Trotta answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      By itself, technology is neither good nor bad — it all depends on which use we put it to. It’s true that we are becoming more and more dependent on technology for our daily needs, and that all the social networks online are eating away at our ability to actually talk to people in person.

      But technology also opens up wonderful new ways of being and communicating — look at what we are doing right now!

      So it’s all about what we make of it. We just need to be careful not to accept all new technological trends without being critical of them.
