• Question: What is your favrite plant and why

    Asked by to Roberto, Sarah, Nat, Sam on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by , .
    • Photo: Roberto Trotta

      Roberto Trotta answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Saturn! Because of the beautiful rings, and its many moons. Also, Saturn is a very light planet (despite its size, 11 times bigger than the Earth): If there was a swimming pool big enough, it would float!

    • Photo: Sarah Casewell

      Sarah Casewell answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      My favourite is Neptune! It’s a stunning colour, and because it’s so far away we still don’t really know a lot about it.

      My favourite extrasolar planet or exoplanet is called WASP-12b. The WASP is the survey that discovered it and the b is because it orbits a star called WASP-12. It’s about the size of jupiter but goes round a star like the sun once a day. It’s so hot that there is a difference of 1000 degrees between the day and nightsides, and some of the atmosphere on the hot side gets boiled off!

    • Photo: Natasha Stephen

      Natasha Stephen answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      My favourite planet is Mars! It has to be Mars really as all my work is about Mars or rocks from Mars. It’s so similar to Earth with large canyons, mountains, volcanoes etc. but it is also geologically dead; the last active process to occur on Mars was over 100 million years ago, unless you count dust storms on the surface as they are still going on today. It’s a really interesting place though because even though it is similar to Earth, it is different enough that we still don’t know what happened to cause the planet to geologically die so trying to find the answer to that question is quite exciting!

      If you mean our favourite plants and not planets, then I guess mine would be either the ‘Bird of Paradise’ flower or the Acer trees – I think they’re both beautiful.
