• Question: What sort of science experiments did you do at school?

    Asked by to Nat, Nate, Roberto, Sam, Sarah on 16 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Sarah Casewell

      Sarah Casewell answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      I did a lot of chemistry experiments, particularly organic chemistry experiments at high school. In physics we didn’t do a lot which was a shame. If we did it was mainly circuits or timing trucks down slopes. I’m helping a local school run an astronomy club though, and we do much more exciting things than I did at school in experiments! A few weeks ago we made telescopes and in a couple of weeks they’re all coming to camp at our University observatory to have an observing night!

    • Photo: Nate Bastian

      Nate Bastian answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      In my physics class we calculated the acceleration of gravity, by measuring how fast objects fall from different heights. I did a lot of chemistry experiments, but to be honest, I don’t remember most of them, as I was never very good at chemistry. In biology class, we went out into a local field to study how birds marked and defended their territories in the spring, as they were getting ready to mate. That was a particularly fun one.

    • Photo: Sam Connolly

      Sam Connolly answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      I did loads and loads of different experiments, so I can’t remember them all, but there were a lot of good ones! In Chemistry I made nylon and aspirin and did a lot of cool experiments involving things burning bright colours or exploding. In biology I mostly did dissection of things like fish and sheep hearts and lungs. In physics I did a lot of experiments to measure things like how strong gravity is, how sound works and how you can make electricity from magnets. There are a lot of simple experiments I did at school which show you really cool things, like if you drop a small magnet through a copper pipe it takes ages to fall through even though copper isn’t magnetic, because the magnet makes an electric field in the pipe as it falls, which makes a magnetic field which slows down the magnet’s fall!

    • Photo: Natasha Stephen

      Natasha Stephen answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      I loved chemistry experiments at school because we got to make little explosions and lots of mess! It was great fun to be combining different chemicals to make expanding foams or slime!

      I also like getting to play with liquid nitrogen to make ice-cream in the classroom, that was good fun too and yummy!
