• Question: when you was a child, what was your favorite thing to entertain yourself?

    Asked by to Nat, Nate, Roberto, Sam, Sarah on 20 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Sarah Casewell

      Sarah Casewell answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I love to read! I always have done since I was a kid! Pretty much any kind of books as well! Mysteries and adventure books are probably my favourites though.

    • Photo: Natasha Stephen

      Natasha Stephen answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I also liked to read and draw but I also liked to go out and just climb trees, trying to have my own adventures I guess!

    • Photo: Nate Bastian

      Nate Bastian answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      playing football, tennis, basketball, really any sport. of course, video games too!

    • Photo: Roberto Trotta

      Roberto Trotta answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      I am an only child, and perhaps for this (and although I had many friends in school) I used to play a lot by myself with Lego — and I read a lot.
